Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
868 Citizens National Bank of Hollidaysburg, $10 T-1, Ch#6874.Hollidaysburg, PA. $10, Jones |Woods Signatures, S/N A000488A, there
were 4 previous examples of this note known before this NTC note was
discovered. VF to Choice VF. �������������������������������������������������������Est.
869 Citizens National Bank of Hollidaysburg, $10 T-2, Ch#6874.Hollidaysburg, PA. $10, Jones | Woods Signatures, S/N A000731, there
were 6 previous examples of this note known before this NTC note was
discovered. VF to Choice VF. �������������������������������������������������������Est.
870 Citizens National Bank of Hollidaysburg, $20 T-1, Ch#6874.Hollidaysburg, PA. $20, Jones | Woods Signatures, S/N A000154A, AU
condition due to a very light vertical fold, otherwise a very attractive
note. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
871 Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Boyertown, $10, T1, Ch#2900.Boyertown, PA., $10, Issued banknote, VF but cut close
on bottom right just touching design, S/N C001995A.������������������Est.
872 First National Bank of Nanticoke. $10, Series of 1929, T1, Ch# 3955.Nanticoke, PA. $10, Type 1, Issued banknote, Jones | Woods
signatures, S/N E002143A, VF. 12 Large and 33 Small notes known on
this bank with 6, T1, $10 nationals known on this bank and possibly tied
with the finest known. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
873 First National Bank of Nanticoke. $10, Series of 1929, T2, Ch# 3955.Nanticoke, PA. $10, Type 2, Issued banknote, Jones | Woods
signatures, S/N A000976, Choice Fine to VF. ��������������������������������Est.
874 First National Bank of Plymouth. $20, Series of 1929,T-1, Ch# 707.Plymouth, PA. $20, Type 1, Issued banknote, Jones | Woods signatures,
S/N C000975A, VF to Choice VF. 11 Large and 39 Small notes known on
this bank with five $20, 1929, T1 nationals known on this bank. This note
may very well be close to finest known. ��������������������������������������Est.
875 Miners National Bank of Nanticoke. $10, Series of 1929, T-2, Ch# 13524.Nanticoke, PA. $10, Type 2, Issued banknote, Jones | Woods
signatures, S/N A010851, VF. 40 Small notes known on this bank with 4,
T2, $10 nationals known on this bank. �����������������������������������������Est.
876 National Bank of Pottstown. Series of 1929, $10 and $20, T1, Ch# 608 Banknote Pair.Pottstown, PA. Lot of 2 notes, Includes $10 and
$20, Type 1, Issued banknotes, Jones | Woods signatures, the $10 is
Choice Fine to VF and the $20 would grade Choice VF. �������������Est.