Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong September 27, 2014 - page 47

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
27 September, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1900 Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Issue Spec-
imen Pair.
Three Eastern Province, China. Lot of 2 Specimen
Notes, both 1929 series, Includes, 1Yuan, P-S2962s1 S/M#T214-
190c, black on m/c and 5Yuan, P-S2963, S/M#T214-191c, Brown
on m/c, Both with Pavilion by pool at center, Both notes have
large top excess margins with engraved plate numbers and plate
descriptions, Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial number
and POC’s. Each note would grade Choice to Gem Uncirculated
if the top margin with small staple holes was trimmed off. ABNC.
HK $5,500-12,000
1901 Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Issue
Three Eastern Province, 1929, 10 Yuan, P-S2964s1
(S/M#T214-192a) Specimen, Green on m/c, Pavilion by pool at
center, Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial number and
POC’s, back green. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ (Ex-
ceptional Paper Quality). ABNC. �������������������������������
HK $3,200-6,000
1902 Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Issue Speci-
Tientsin, China. 1929, 10 Yuan, P-S2964s2 S/M#T214-192,
Green on m/c, Pavilion by pool at center, Large top excess mar-
gins, Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial number and POC’s.
PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ, ABNC. Rare and attrac-
tive note in high grade. This note with the Tientsin overprint is
only known as a Specimen or proof. �����������������������
HK $5,500-11,000
1903 Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Issue
Three Eastern Provinces, China. 1929, 100 Yuan,
P-S2965s S/M#T214-193, Specimen banknote. Red on m/c,
PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ. ABNC. Rare
banknote. ��������������������������������������������������������������
HK $9,500-16,000
1904 Yu Sien Bank, 1918 Specimen Silver Dollar Issue.
China. 1918.
1 Silver Dollar. P-S2994s (S/M #Y24-10) Unlisted Specimen
banknote. Red on face and red and m/c on back. POC’s. PMG
graded Choice Uncirculated 64 NET with note of discoloration in
selvage, but appears Gem. ABNC. Rarely seen as a specimen at
auction. ��������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $3,200-4,500
1905 Fu-Tien Bank, ND (1921) Issue Banknote.
China, 50 cents,
P-S3013 S/M#Y70-12, Issued banknote, Face green, back green
on m/c, PMG graded Very Fine 30 NET with note of small corner
tip missing on LR and small multiple pin holes in the corners that
are difficult to view. ABNC. ��������������������������������������
HK $1,200-1,900
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