Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong April 12, 2014 - page 12

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
12 April, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1505 Banque de L’Indo-Chine, ND (1936-39) Issue Banknote.
Indo-China, issued note, 100 Piastres, P-51d, Signature #9, S/N
U.192 531, PMG graded Very Fine 30, very attractive note and
premium for the grade, VF. �����������������������������������������
HK $3100-6200
1506 Banque De L’Indochine, ND (1951) Issue Specimen.
Indo-China, 5 Piastres, P-75s Unlisted Specimen variety with
English “Specimen” overprints instead of Mi-Hon overprints,
“0000000” Serial numbers, Block “W”, 2 signatures, 1 POC, PMG
graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ and appears virtu-
ally Choice Uncirculated. Rare note and this is an unreported
variety. ���������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $7000-11600
French Indo-China / Viet Nam
1507 French Indo-China, ND (1953) Issue Banknote.
200 Piastres =
200 Dong, P-109, Issued banknote, Elephants and water buffalo
on front, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 NET with note of
rust spots at the usual staple holes on the left border, Very attrac-
tive for the issue. ��������������������������������������������������������
HK $1900-3900
1508 Republik Indonesia, 1948 Essay Banknote Specimen.
sia, 1948. 25 Rupiah, Series 1-A. P-Unlisted (Unlisted25a), Essay
specimen banknote by Security BNC of a proposed and never is-
sued 1948 Indonesia banknote Series. Red specimen overprints,
POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. Small red printing on upper
right margin of face reads “ 11-9-48 FA” and back “11-9-48 BC”.
Front is brown with portrait of Sukarno in middle, back is brown
with farmer plowing with oxen. Evidently Indonesia did not ac-
cept this issue. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ, Rare es-
say note. SBNC. ����������������������������������������������������������
HK $4700-9300
1509 Republik Indonesia Unlisted 1948 Issue Essay Specimen
Indonesia, P-Unlisted, 1948, 50 Rupiah. Essay speci-
men banknote of a Security BNC proposed and never issued 1948
Indonesia banknote Series. Note is dated September 1, 1948;
Series 1-A. Red specimen overprints, POC’s and “00000” serial
numbers. Front is purple, back is indigo. Back of note has farm-
er plowing with oxen. PMG graded Superb Gem Uncirculated 67
EPQ. Tied for finest known with one other note out of 3 graded,
Rare essay note. SBNC.���������������������������������������������
HK $6200-12400
1510 Republik Indonesia Unlisted 1948 Issue Essay Specimen
Indonesia, P-Unlisted, 1948, 100 Rupiah. Essay speci-
men banknote of a Security BNC proposed and never issued 1948
Indonesia banknote Series. Note is dated September 1, 1948;
Series 1-A. Front is maroon, back is maroon. Back of note has
farmer plowing with oxen. Evidently Indonesia did not accept
this issue. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64. Rare essay note.
HK $5800-11600
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