Archives International Auctions Part XVI - page 189

New York
2050 Trustees of Columbia College, 1909, $1000 Unissued Bond.
New York, 1909, $1000, 4% Series D 1st Mortgage Gold Unissued
Bond, #D2817, Black print with blue border and underprint, School
Emblem top center flanked by allegorical women, VF:XF condition,
ABNC. ............................................................................
EST. $40;80
2051 Diana Oil Company, 1900 Issued Stock Certificate.
California, 1900, 25 Shares, S/N 6, Issued and uncancelled, No
vignette, Stamp on top left, VF condition. ......................
EST. $25;40
New York
2052 Arcade Oil Co. of Rochester Issued Stock.
New York, 1865, 50
Shares, Issued Stock, Black print with black ornate border, Oil wells
with oil being barreled top center, VF condition.
EST. $50;100
Scripophily - Publishing
2053 Psychology Publishing Co., 1928, 5 Shs I/U Stock. Certificate
Signed By Michael Hardwick.
Delaware. 1928, 5 Shares I/U
Stock, #1867, Black print with green border and underprint,
Allegorical woman top center, VF condition certificate with crisp
looking signature in blue, Goes 79. Signature of Michael Hardwick in
center, a British freelance writer who is best known for “The
Sherlock Holmes Companion, The Man Who Was Sherlock
Holmes”. .........................................................................
EST. $50;100
2054 Pullman’s Palace Car Co. 1870, 18 I/U Stock with Pullman
Autograph as President.
Illinois. Pullman’s Palace Car Co., 1870,
18 Shares I/C Stock, Black italic lettering with no vignette, POC’s, VF
condition. RedWashington 25cent Revenue stamp. George Pullman
(1831:1897) signature as President of the railway sleeper car compa:
ny he started in 1870. .....................................................
EST. $50;80
2055 Pan American Trans;Continental Railway Co. Uruguay
Section, 1910 Specimen Bond.
Maine, 1910, $1000, 5% 50 Year
Gold Debenture Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under:
print, Cattle rancher top center herding cattle, POC’s, VF:XF condi:
tion, ABNC. Unlisted railroad and bond in Cox.
EST. $50;100
2056 Attractive Bond & Stock Assortment of 3 Railroads, A
Louisiana State Bond and Assorted Items.
New York. Louisiana.
Illinois. Maryland. Lot of 5 certificates, includes State of Louisiana,
1914, $500, Port Commission Serial Gold Bond; Chicago, Burlington
and Quincy RR (2) stocks, 1863 & 1882 and others. ........
EST. $50;100
2057 MKT Rwy 1887 Stock Certificate Pair Signed by George
Gould, Jay Gould’s Son
Lot of 2 certificates, 100 Shares, green
and 100 Shares, brown, Fine. POC’s. ..............................
EST. $30;60
Scripophily - Savings
New York
2058 United States Treasury ; War Finance Committee Unissued
1940’s War Bond Gift Certificate.
New York, Unissued with lov:
able Walt Disney characters as the border including Mickey and
Donald, Goofy and many other characters in full color. Facsimile sig:
nature of “Chairman, War Finance Committee for New York. XF
condition. .......................................................................
EST. $50;100
2059 Nonantum Fish and Game Club Issued Stock.
Canada. 1908, 1 Share, Issued Stock, Black on blue border and
underprint, Ornate borders, VF:XF condition. ................
EST. $30;50
New York
2060 City of New York ca.1970’s Specimen Bond pair.
Lot of 2
bonds, both $5000 Specimen bonds, red or blue, both with impres:
sive native American on top, coupons attached, XF condition ABNC.
For Rapid Transit or Housing loans..................................
EST. $50;100
2061 State of New York, Canal Department, 1850 Bond.
York, $700, 6% Bond, I/C with attached transfer document, VF.
Gavit & Co.......................................................................
EST. $50;100
2062 Merchants Union Express Co., 1867 Issued Stock.
New York,
1867, I/C, 50 Shares, Merchants riding cart pulled by horses top cen:
ter, Fine condition with toning around the edges. ...........
EST. $50;100
2063 Yonkers City Ice Co., 1891, Specimen Bond
Yonkers, NY,
1891, $250, 6% Bond, S/N 0000, Black on green border with red
underprint, attractive design, appears XF but slightly cut into the
left margin, POC’s. HLBNC. ............................................
EST. $50;100
2064 ABNC Error ANA July 1993 Baltimore, MD, $20 Peoples
Bank Obsolete with Color Shift Error.
Error Souvenir Card,
American Numismatic Association, July 1993, Baltimore, MD, $20
Peoples Bank Color Shift Error, Barr: SO/116 Unlisted, Mint, ABNC.
EST. $75;150
2065 ABNC Hawaiian Philatelic Souvenir Card With Original
Issued Card in Blue and Color Trial in Black. (2)
APS, 107th
Annual Convention, Houston, TX, 1993, Barr : SO/119. Lot of 2
cards, one the issued blue 1897 Hawaiian stamp impression and the
second an unissued black stamp impression. Mint condition. Rare
item. ...............................................................................
EST. $40;80
2066 ABNC Intaglio Printed Republic of Hawaii Department
Official Stamps From the A.S.D.A. NY Meeting, 1993.
Lot of 3
cards, all with 3 Different Republic of Hawaii, Department of Foreign
Affairs Official Stamp proofs, 2 Cents; 6 Cents and 10 Cents, all in
green, New York show, Barr: SO/122 “3 Hawaii Official Stamps”.
Mint, ABNC. ....................................................................
EST. $60;120
2067 ABNC Progress Proof Card of 1993 World’s Columbian
Exposition Stamp Expo Missing Litho Underprint & Back
Chicago, IL, 1993, World’s Columbian Exposition,
1893 Voyages of Columbus, 500th Anniversary, Progress Proof of
intaglio printing of Columbus Expo Ticket missing litho underprint
and back printing. Mint, ABNC........................................
EST. $75;100
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 22, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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