Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong September 27, 2014 - page 26

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
27 September, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1786 Central Bank of China, 1949 Essay Specimen Banknote Face
& Back.
China, 1949. 500,000 GoldYuan. Series 00-A. P-Unlisted.
(designated P-425Ape) S/M#C302, Uniface front and back speci-
men banknotes in green. Red specimen overprint, “00000” serial
numbers and POC. Backs have red specimen overprint and seri-
al numbers P082015*L and P0820060 *L, Both are PMG grad-
ed Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ (Exceptional Paper Qual-
ity). SBNC. Very possibly one of the finest known for this issue
. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $7,000-14,000
1787 Central Bank of China, Unlisted Essay Banknote, 1949 Gold
Chin Yuan Issue.
1949. 500,000 Gold Yuan, (PMG designated
P-425pef), P-Unlisted. Uniface front specimen “Printers Es-
say” banknote in green, CKS in center. No serial numbers, seals
or series, the back with “Approved for Production: L-4 - Color
O.K. 5.2. (19)49”, Choice Uncirculated, Horizontal note. SBNC
. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $4,500-9,000
1788 Central Bank of China, 1949 “Gold Chin Yuan” Issues.
Lot of 2 notes, Includes 500,000 Yuan, P-424, AU and 1,000,000
Yuan, P-426, Choice Uncirculated and well centered. Scarce high-
er denomination notes.������������������������������������������������
HK $600-1,200
1789 Chinese Banknote, Coupon, Check and Document Assort-
China, Lot of 11 Pieces, Includes 1936, Central Bank of Chi-
na, W&S Issue; $10,000,000Circulating Check or Draft with small
train on top, ca.1940-60; 4 pieces of practice Chinese currency
and other interesting items.�����������������������������������������
HK $600-1,200
1790 Farmers Bank of China, 1934 Specimen Banknote.
China, 1
Yuan, P-453s, No place name, Uniface front and back specimens,
Face red on m/c, back green, Uncirculated, attractive specimen
pair. TYPC. ���������������������������������������������������������������
HK $1,900-3,800
1791 Farmers Bank of China, 1935 Specimen Banknote.
China, 1
Yuan, P-453s, No place name, Uniface front and back specimens,
Face red on m/c, back green, Uncirculated, attractive specimen
pair. TYPC. ������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $900-1,900
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