Archives International Auctions Auction 95 July 23, 2024
Archives International Auctions - Sale 95 5 July 23, 2024 Archives International Auctions U.S. Military Payment Certificates Shanghai, China & Washington, D.C. During the 1924 Kiangsu-Chekiang War Marines from the Asiatic Fleet briefly landed to protect vital facilities along the Wangpo River such as the Standard Oil storage tanks and the power station. In 1927 Chinese Nationalist began to consolidate their hold on China by moving against warlords operating in the Yangtze Valley. As the Nationalists advanced they occasionally attacked foreigners along the river valley. After the Nationalists over ran the British Concession in Hankow, it was feared Shanghai would also suffer the same fate. When Japan and a number of European powers rushed reinforcements to the city, Shanghai-based American merchants called upon the U.S. Government for assistance. In response to their call, the 4th Marine Regiment boarded the USS Chaumont at San Diego and raced across the Pacific. Arriving in the early morning hours of 24 February 1927, the Marines lined the ship’s rails expecting to engage immediately in combat. They were disappointed, Shanghai was calm- the Nationalists had no intention of provoking the great powers and notified the Shanghai municipal government there would be no sacking of the city. Although liberty was soon granted, the Chaumont Marines for the next month had to return aboard the ship each night until the State Department and the Navy could agree to mission for the Marines. On 21 March, in response to fighting between forces loyal to Chiang Kai Shek and Communists members of his own Nationalist party, the 4th Regiment was finally allowed to permanently disembark to protect American lives and property. But apart from a few foot patrols near some of the fighting, the Marines were mere spectators to this inter-Chinese conflict. The 4th Marines enjoyed a relatively good life in Shanghai that balanced social events with military activities. The 4th had its own band and a Drum and Trumpet Corps. Athletics played a big part of their China experience with baseball in the spring and summer and football at Thanksgiving. In addition the Marines learned rugby and took on British army and navy teams and even had a kendo team. These scrip notes or coupons are historic remnants of the commerce conducted by the U.S. Marines stationed in Shanghai, China. all are extremely rare and are the only examples found in the Pogrebetsky collection we offered in Hong Kong from 2013 to 2015 in 5 auctions. These are sure to attract attention of the MPC and military related collector. 18 18 United States Marine Corps. 4th Regiment Trader Coupon, ND (1927-41) Shanghai, China. Marine Corps., ND (1927-41). 20 Cents I/U Canteen Coupon, Black print on orange underprint, Regiment printed at top, S/N 31709, PMG graded Choice Extremely Fine 45. (ex Pogrebetsky Collection) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $1250-2500 19 19 United States Marine Corps. 4th Regiment Trader Coupon, ND (1927-41) Shanghai, China. Marine Corps., ND (1927-41). 25 Cents I/U Canteen Coupon, Black print on orange underprint, Regiment printed at top, PMG graded Very Fine 30 with comment “Tear.” (ex Pogrebetsky Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $1250-2500 20 20 United States Marine Corps. 4th Regiment Trader Coupon, ND (1927-41) Shanghai, China. Marine Corps., ND (1927-41). 5 Cents I/U Canteen Coupon, Black print on orange underprint, Regiment printed at top, S/N 28552, PMG graded About Uncirculated 50 with comment “Minor Edge Damage.” (ex Pogrebetsky Collection) ����������������������������������� Est. $1250-2500