Archives International Auctions Auction 84B May 2 & 3, 2023

Archives International Auctions - Sale 84b 2 Archives International Auctions Archives International Auctions This is an automatic timed sale. The lots will close every 60 seconds. We suggest you leave your bids ahead of time so that you do not miss a lot you would like to bid on. If you choose to bid during the auction the lot will stay open for an additional 2 minutes until it times out or until someone else bids, then it will stay open for 2 minutes more and so on. We are offering low openings in this auction that are unreserved. All lots will have a 22% or $10 minimum Buyer’s Premium added per lot, whichever is higher. Archives International Auctions Phone: (201) 944-4800; FAX: (201) 839-3336. BIDDING INFORMATION : Archives International Auctions Phone: (201) 944-4800; FAX: (201) 839-3336 BY TELEPHONE : /LYH SKRQH ELGGLQJ VSDFH LV OLPLWHG DQG LV DYDLODEOH RQ D ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW VHUYH EDVLV 3OHDVH FDOO XV DW WR VHW XS \RXU ELGGLQJ UHVHUYDWLRQ 3KRQH ELGGLQJ LV OLPLWHG WR ORWV DQG DERYH BY FAX OR EMAIL: %LGV PD\ EH )D[HG RU HPDLOHG LQIR#DUFKLYHVLQWHUQDWLRQDO FRP XS XQWLO 30 0RQGD\ 0D\ RWKHUZLVH \RXU ELGV PD\ QRW EH HQWHUHG RQ WLPH BY SNAIL MAIL : 3OHDVH PDLO ELGV WR RXU 0DLQ 6W 6XLWH 5LYHU (GJH 1- 86$ RI¿FH EXW SOHDVH FDOO WR FRQ¿UP UHFHLSW :H VXJJHVW HPDLO RU )D[ VLQFH WKHUH LV PLQLPDO WLPH EHIRUH WKH DXFWLRQ ABSENTEE BIDDING DIRECTLY THROUGH AIA : <RX VWLOO QHHG WR UHJLVWHU WR ELG VR SOHDVH GRZQORDG WKH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ DEVHQWHH ELGGLQJ IRUP IURP RXU ZHEVLWH RU FRQWDFW XV DQG ZH ZLOO HPDLO \RX RQH :H ZLOO QRW EH DFFHSWLQJ OLYH SKRQH ELGGLQJ GXULQJ WKH DXFWLRQ RQO\ DEVHQWHH ELGV UHFHLYHG SULRU WR WKH DXFWLRQ VIEWING TIMES AND APPOINTMENTS : $W RXU RIÀFHV DW 0DLQ 6WUHHW 5LYHU (GJH 1- %\ DSSRLQWPHQW RQO\ All lots will have a 22% Buyer’s Premium or $10 added per lot, whichever is higher. We are not offering bidding through any other portal other than our website and iCollector. Payment by Credit Card will have a 2.5% Surcharge added. Payment by PayPal will have a 5% Premium added, and Bank wires under $500 will have a $15 charge added as well as all currency conversion and additional bank charges if applicable. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept overseas credit cards for more than $1000 unless you have been a previous client. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYMENT BY WIRE TRANSFER Name of Bank: Bank of America ABA Routing Number: 026009593 Swift Code: BOFAUS3N Account #: 0023 7766 9642 Account Title: Archives International LLC Auction 84B : TIMED INTERNET AUCTION - 2 SESSIONS over 2 Days Both sessions begin at 11:00AM EST U.S., & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily, Historic Ephemera and Security Printing Ephemera, U.S. Revenue Stamps, Civil War Patriotic Tokens, Civil War Store Cards SESSION 1 - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 – Lots 1001 - 1346 :RUOG %DQNQRWHV ± /RWV 8 6 %DQNQRWHV +LVWRULF DQG 6HFXULW\ 3ULQWLQJ (SKHPHUD ± /RWV 8 6 :RUOGZLGH &KHFNV 'UDIWV 6WDPSV DQG 3RVWDO +LVWRU\ ± /RWV &LYLO :DU 3DWULRWLF 7RNHQV DQG 6WRUH &DUGV ±/RWV SESSION 2 - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – Lots 2001 - 2451 8 6 :RUOG 6FULSRSKLO\ ± /RWV