Archives International Auctions Auction 81 December 15th & 16th 2022
Archives International Auctions - Sale 81 17 December 15, 2022 Archives International Auctions 81 81 Central Bank of Manchukuo, ND (1944) Issue Banknote China. ND (1944). 5 Chiao = 50 Fen, P-J134 S/M#M2-50, Issued banknote, Green and light blue, Block 3, PMG graded Very Fine 20. ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est. $120-240 82 82 Central Bank of Manchukuo, ND (1941-44) Issued Banknote Pair China, ND (1941-44). Lot of 2 Issued banknotes, Includes: 10 Yuan, P-J137a S/M#M2-62, Black on multicolor underprint, S/N 0614833 Block 47, Watermark: Bank Title, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ, Printer: JICP; and 10 Fen = 1 Chiao, P-J140 S/M#M2-71, Black on yellow underprint, Block 301, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ, Printer: MIPO. (2) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $200-400 83 No Lot �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 0 84 84 Central Bank of Manchukuo, ND (1944), Issued Banknote China, ND (1944). 10 Yuan, P-J137a, S/M#M2-62, Issued Banknote, Black on m/c underprint, S/N 0614568 Block 47, Printer: JICP, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 with comment “stains.” ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $100-200 85 85 Central Bank of Manchukuo, ND (1941) Issued Banknote China, ND (1941). 10 Fen = 1 Chiao, P-J140 S/M#M2-71, Issued banknote, Black on orange underprint, Block 312, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64. Printer: MIPO. ����� Est. $120-240 China - Japanese Military 86 86 China - Japanese Military WWII, ND (1939-40), Issued Banknote China - Japanese, ND (1939-40). 10 Sen, P-M11a, S/M#T30-4, Issued Banknote, Black on orange underprint, Block 13 Title A, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. �� Est. $75-150 China - Foreign Banks 87 87 Sino-Scandinavian Bank, 1926 Issue Banknote China. 1926. 30 Copper Coins, P-S584 S/M#H192-21, Issued banknote, Purple on olive green underprint, S/N 0104817 - Chinwangtao, PMG graded Choice Very Fine 35. Printer: BEPP. Only 4 auction appearances recorded since 2013. �������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $400-800 China - Provincial Banks 88 88 Kiangsu Province Exchange Note, 1925 Issue Note. Kiangsu, China. 1925, 5 Yuan, P-S1209 S?M#C116-2, Issued Banknote, Green on light orange underprint, black text, floral design around title, back turquoise blue with large red sela, S/N 052940, PMG Graded About Uncirculated 50. This is the first example of this scarce note we have offered. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est. $500-800