Archives International Auctions Sale 7 - February 27, 2019 Live and Online Sale
Archives International Auctions - Online Winter Sale #7 23 February 27,2019 Archives International Auctions Germany 164 164 Volkswagen AG, 1991 Pair of Issued Stock Certificates Germany. Pair of Issued Stock Certificates, 1 for 1 Share in blue and the other is for 50 Shares in red. Both certificates have large Volkswagen symbol at center with a Beetle at left side, VF-XF condition. (2)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $80-150 Michigan 165 165 Federal MotorTruckCo., ca.1910-1930 Specimen StockCertificate Michigan. <100 Shares Capital Stock Specimen Certificate, Black print on green border and under tint, Bald Eagle at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, RBNC. The Federal Motor Truck Company was an American truck manufacturer headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. The company was founded in 1910 as Bailey Motor Truck by Martin L. Pulcher, who would later found the Oakland Motor Car Company. The last Federal vehicle made for the US marketplace was made in 1959.������������ Est. $110-180 166 166 General Motors Corp., 1984 Unique Model Mockup Proof with Additional Image added on Lower Left. Michigan (Inc. in Delaware), 1984, Mockup Proof, Odd Shares, Black on green border and underprint, Vignette of early computer mainframe bottom left with GM vehicles and allegorical male profiles top center, Pin-punched, VF condition, SC-USBNC. Unique model for unused stock certificate design. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $130-200 167 167 Hayes Manufacturing Corp., ca.1920-1950 Specimen Stock Certificate Michigan. 100 Shares Common Capital Stock Specimen Certificate, Black print on purple border and under tint, Allegorical woman at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, RBNC. Hayes Industries, Jackson, Mich., designed and built wheels and brakes for aircraft of all weights and landing speeds. The 4-engine bombers were equipped with Hayes wheels and expander tube brakes. Hayes Manufacturing Corporation, Grand Rapids, “Mich., producer of aircraft subassemblies, parachutes, ordnance and dies and stampings, also manufactured outer wing panels and various control surfaces for aircraft. H ayes continued to be a large producer of life saving parachutes; and added to this division the manufacture of fragmentation bomb parachutes. Output of afterbody torpedo shell assemblies was increased materially. Hayes continued the fabrication of tools, jigs and metal stampings and completed its preparations for the production in large quantity of a complete truck cab of prime military and postwar importance. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $90-150 168 168 REO Motor Car Co., ca.1910-1920 Specimen Stock Certificate Michigan. <100 Shares Capital Stock Specimen Certificate, Black print on orange border and under tint, allegorical women at top flanking company initials, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, RBNC. The REO Motor Car Company was a Lansing, Michigan-based company that produced automobiles and trucks from 1905 to 1975. At one point the company also manufactured buses on its truck platforms. Ransom E. Olds was an entrepreneur who founded multiple companies in the automobile industry. In 1897 Olds founded the Olds Motor Vehicle Company, makers of Oldsmobile (later to become a part of General Motors). In 1905 Olds left Oldsmobile and established a new company, REO Motor Car Company, in Lansing, Michigan. Olds had 52 percent of the stock and the titles of president and general manager. To ensure a reliable supply of parts, he organized a number of subsidiary firms like the National Coil Company, the Michigan Screw Company, and the Atlas Drop Forge Company. ������������������������� Est. $110-180 Ohio 169 169 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1921 Specimen Bond Ohio. $1000 Specimen 8% Sinking Fund Debenture Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on green border and under tint, Group of allegorical figures together at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, Fine-VF condition, ABNC. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is an American multinational tire manufacturing company founded in 1898 by Frank Seiberling and based in Akron, Ohio. Goodyear manufactures tires for automobiles, commercial trucks, light trucks, motorcycles, SUVs, race cars, airplanes, farm equipment and heavy earth-mover machinery. It also produced bicycle tires from its founding until 1976. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est. $110-160