Archives International Auctions Sale 52 U.S., Chinese & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily, Coins and Security Printing Ephemera May 14, 2019
Archives International Auctions - Sale 52 50 May 14,2019 Archives International Auctions 373 373 Hermes-Moscow Joint-Stock Company. 1994. Specimen Stock Certificate. Russia. Specimen stock certificate for Hermes-Moscow Joint-Stock Company, which engages in building of gasoline stations and selling gasoline equipment. The company owns and operates 15 filling stations in Moscow region. The company is based in Moscow, Russian Federation. Hermes-Moscow Joint-Stock Company operates as a subsidiary of Public Joint Stock Company Rosneft Oil Company. Vignette of Kremlin view at top, S/N 10000, ABNC, XF.���������������������������������������������������������� Est. $200-300 374 374 Khopyor-Garant. Circa 1993-1994. Pair of Specimen Stock Certificates. Russia. Two specimen stock certificates for Khopyor-Garant, one for 5 Shares and the other for 10 Shares. Zero serial numbers, perforated SPECIMEN, ABNC, AU-UNC.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $140-280 375 375 Organicheskiy Sintez. 1993. Specimen Stock Certificate. Russia. Specimen stock certificate for Organicheskiy Sintez, which is a is a chemical company that is the Russian domestic producer of ethylene polymers and copolymers. It is engaged in the production of gas polyethylene pipelines, phenol, acetone, antifreeze, chemicals for oil extraction and natural gas dehydration. Zero serial number, perforated SPECIMEN, printer annotations on front, ABNC, XF+. ��������������������������������������� Est. $130-250 376 376 TATNEFT. 1994. Specimen Stock Certificate. Russia. Specimen stock certificate for TATNEFT, which Tatneft is a Russian vertically integrated oil and gas company with headquarters in the city of Almetyevsk. It is the sixth largest oil company in Russia. Zero serial number, perforated SPECIMEN, printer annotations on front, ABNC, XF.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $100-200 Russia & England 377 377 Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory Ltd. Specimen Stock Certificate. Russia (Issued in England) 1 Share, 1889, Specimen Stock, Black text and border on light green underprint with ornate left margin border and ornate title no vignette, S/N 0000 (S/N range 2351 to 2600), VF-XF condition. Rare Russian related certificate.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $250-500 Venezuela 378 378 Cumana & Carupano Pier & Tramway Co., 1911 Specimen Stock Certificate Venezuela. 5 Shares Capital Stock Specimen Certificate, Black print on blue border and under tint printed in English and Spanish, Allegorical woman reclining at top with steamship behind her, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $110-180 Yugoslavia 379 379 Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Bond Pair. 2 different specimen bonds. 1922. $100, blue border and $500, green border. 40 Year 8% Secured External Gold Bonds. Arms of Kingdom flanked by cattle being herded. Red SPECIMEN overprint and POC. Coupons attached. Fine to VF Condition. ABNC. ���������������� Est. $150-250