Archives International Auctions Part XXI Fall Auction 2014

Archives International Auctions, Part XXI 86 November 4, 2014 Archives International Auctions Amazing Palestine Sequential Banknote Pair. There were 36 notes of the £10, 1939 Issue previously graded in the PMG census with none grading higher than PMG AU 55 until these lovely notes were discovered in an old estate, 759 759 Palestine Currency Board, 1929 High Grade Issue Banknote, One of 2 Sequential Notes Being Offered. Palestine, 7th September, 1939, 10 Pales- tine Pounds, P-9c, Issued, Black on blue border and light green and light orange underprint on face withCrusader’sTower and Ramleh, back blue, black and yellow with Tower of David at center, S/N B416717, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64, amazing note rarely seen this nice. TDLR. None graded higher in the PMG census. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est. $6000-12000 760 760 Palestine Currency Board, 1929 High Grade Issue Banknote, One of 2 Sequential Notes Being Offered. Palestine, 7th September, 1939, 10 Pales- tine Pounds, P-9c, Issued, Black on blue border and light green and light orange underprint on face withCrusader’sTower and Ramleh, back blue, black and yellow with Tower of David at center, S/N B416717, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64, amazing note rarely seen this nice. TDLR. None graded higher in the PMG census. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est. $6000-12000