Archives International Auctions Part XXI Fall Auction 2014
Archives International Auctions, Part XXI 27 October 25, 2014 Archives International Auctions New Jersey 229 229 International Mercantile Marine Co., 1916 Specimen Bond. New Jersey, 1916, $500, Specimen 6% First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black on orange border and underprint, Large ship approaching harbor with tug boats sur- rounding it, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Only 3 found in the archives. Rare and attractive bond. �������������������������������������������������� Est. $250-500 New York 230 Swiftsure Oil Transport, Inc. 1920 Specimen Bond. New York, 1920, $1000, 7%Gold Serial Bond Specimen, Black on green border and underprint, oil cargo ship on top, XF condition, FLD-ABNC. Est. $80-160 Venezuela 231 Orinoco Steam Navigation Company of New York, 1851, Stock Certificate. Venezuela (Incorporated in New York, NY), 1 Share of $1,000.00 in Capital Stock, Red underprint, Riverboat Views, Miner- va, Etc. VF, I/C, Venezuela granted them exclusive right to navigate the Orinoco River for 18 years. Extremely attractive certificate, cut slightly into left margin, RWH&E. ��������������������������������������� Est. $80-160 Washington 232 Seattle Construction and Dry Dock Co., 1912 Specimen Bond. Washington (Incorporated in NJ), $100 Specimen 6% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black on light brown border and underprint, Allegorical woman reclining on pedestal with steamship and har- bor in background, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Rare and attractive bond. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est. $110-220 233 233 Amazon Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. 1873 Specimen Stock Certificate. Brazil & England. 1 Share =20 Pounds, Specimen stock certificate. Black on white paper. Steamboat steaming up tropical river. XF condition. From the Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. archive. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est. $150-300 234 234 ArrowSteamshipCo., 1889 StockCertificate. NewYork, 1889, I/U, 50 Shares at $10 per share, Hand written title on generic stock cer- tificate form, VG to Fine with edge faults , small tears and toning, gold seal, Text on left states that certificate will be exchanged for engraved certificate. This certificate was discovered in 1982 and is considered unique. ������������������������������������������������������������Est. $120-240 Scripophily - Oil & Gas Indiana 235 Standard Oil Co., 1952 Specimen Bond. Indiana, 1952, $1000, Specimen 30Year 3 1/8% Debenture, Coupons attached, Allegorical woman sitting in from of auto and tractor, VF-XF condition, POCs, ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est. $60-120 New York 236 236 Standard Oil Company of NewYork, 1921 Specimen Bond. New York, 1921, $1000, 20 Year 7% Serial Gold Debenture, Black on green border and underprint, Allegorical woman flanked by world Globes, Coupons attached, XF condition, Red specimen overprints and POCs, ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est. $120-240 Ohio 237 237 Lima Natural Gas, 1889 Specimen Bond. Lima, Ohio. 1889, $500 Specimen 6% Coupon Bond, Black on green border and red under- print, Washington UL, Cherub UR flank ornate title, very attractive Homer-Lee design. Evidently coupons on the left side were re- moved and left a red residue on the left margin, otherwise it is inVF condition and very attractive. HLBNC. �������������������������������Est. $200-400