2018 Israel: Lot of (46) Otzar Hityashvuth Hayehudim B.M., I/C
Share certificates, Ca. 1960’s. Varying number of shares,
Certs. Grade VF+/;, all are PHC, some have tears… Should be
seen. .................................................................. EST. $120;240
2019 Israel: Lot of (49) Israeli Municipal Bonds, 1955, Some PHC,
Redeemed. ......................................................... EST. $100;200
2020 Israel: Lot of (6) Israel Land Development Company, LTD,
100 Shares, Issued/ Cancelled, January 7, 1964., Minor tears in
some certs... VF/XF .............................................. EST. $50;100
2021 Israel: Lot of (9) A.P.B. Investment Co. Ltd., 1950;51 , I/C
Share Certificates, Varying number of shares, Grade of VF +/;
PHC, some with tears. ......................................... EST. $50;100
2022 Miscellaneous Israeli Bonds Quintet.
Israel, 1950, Lot of 5.
EST. $40;80
2023 Otzar Hityashvuth Hayehudim B.M., I.C.
Israel, 2,500 Israeli
Pounds, Dec. 3, 1956. Also has (2) Punch Holes at top. And an
accompanied U/I certificate. VF+.....................................
EST. $20;40
2024 Palafric Investments Limited.
Israel, Unissued Stock
Certificate, Ca. 1950, XF+ ................................................
EST. $20;40
2025 Palestine Corporation Limited, DividendWarrant.
Israel, May
1, 1949, Cancelled PHC, Tears., VF. .................................
EST. $30;50
2026 Shiloah Co., Share Certificate.
Israel, 1961, 1 Share, VF.
EST. $10;20
2027 The Israel Land development Company, LTD.
Israel, 100
Shares, cancelled, January 7, 1964., VF/XF ......................
EST. $20;40
2028 Agro Bank (Agricultural & Building Bank for Palestine), LTD
Palestine, May 1, 1941. VF+.........................
EST. $30;60
2029 Bank LeCredit Gomleen (1) Share Issued November 7, 1933,
Tel;Aviv, Palestine. VF+ .......................................
EST. $35;70
2030 Citizens bank, LTD. (1) Share.
Palestine, Issued Tel Aviv,
Palestine, November, 12, 1934, Numerous splits, Archival Repairs,
(2) Punch Holes. VG/Fine.................................................
EST. $35;70
2031 Haboneh, (Anglo;Palistine Building Company, LTD., into
Palestine, 10 Issued Shares, July 5, 1921, VF+, Corner tear,
Split top center about 1 1/2”............................................
EST. $40;80
2032 Jewish Colonial Trust Share Warrant.
Palestine, 2 Shares
December 1900.VF..........................................................
EST. $50;100
2033 Palestine: Lot of (5) Anglo;Palestine Co, Ltd., 1909;1913 ,
Each certificate is for (1) Share I/C., Coupons attached,
Staples some minor rust staining, VF +/;
EST. $100;200
2034 Palestine: Lot of (5) Anglo;Palestine Co, Ltd., 1919;1921 ,
1,000 FF, Debenture Bond, Unissued., Pencil notations ,
VF/XF+ ................................................................ EST. $100;200
2035 Palestine: Lot of (6) A.P.B. Investment Co. Ltd., 1945;1947 ,
I/C Share Certificates, Varying number of shares, Grade of
Fine +/; PHC, some with tears. .............................. EST. $50;100
2036 Palestine: Lot of (7) Relief and Consolidation Housing Co.,
LTD Debenture Bond, May 26, 1947, Issued/Cancelled
VF. ..................................................................... EST. $60;120
2037 Palestine: Lot of (8) Anglo;Palestine Bank, Ltd., 1936;1944
, Each certificate is for various number of shares I/C., some
minor rust staining, VF +/; .................................... EST. $100;200
2038 Relief and Consolidation Housing Co., LTD Debenture Bond,
Palestine, May 26, 1947, Issued, VF. ................................
EST. $25;50
2039 The Kupat Ashrai Eretz Israel, Credit Bank, Ltd.
Palestine, Warrant for (3) Shares. Issued July 18, 1934, VF
EST. $35;70
Palestine/ Israel
2040 Anglo;Palestine Co. 1919/1921. Unissued Bonds Lot of 2.
Lot of 2 Palestine and Israel related bonds. Anglo:Palestine Co. 1000
Francs 4% Unissued Bond with coupons attached. #143 and #279.
Dark blue print. VF condition. Howard & Jones Printers.
EST. $75;150
2041 Palestine Corp. Ltd. 1948. I/U Bond.
Mizpah House,
Jerusalem. 1948. £37:10:: I/U Stock. #P14/44. Black print with no
vignette. Fine condition. Underwritten by Barclays Bank.
EST. $40;80
2042 Russia, 1917 Freedom Loans Debenture Bonds.
Russia, 1917,
1000 Rubles, P:37F, 5% Issued Bond with coupons attached, S/N
#273852, Black on red border and underprint, VF condition with
some toning. ..................................................................
EST. $20;40
Scripophily - Group Lots
Iowa. Illinois
2043 Iowa and Illinois Stock Certificate Assortment.
Lot of 16
pieces, ca. 1893 to 1928. Includes 1893, Pleasant Valley Land Co. of
Clinton, Iowa (2); Mercantile Block Co., 1911; Norris Coal Mining Co.,
Illinois, 1904 and many others. VG to Fine condition. .....
EST. $75;150
2044 Iowa Stock Certificate Assortment.
Lot of 21 issued and unis:
sued stock certificates, ca. 1890 to 1920’s. Mostly utilities or con:
struction. VG to Fine condition. ......................................
EST. $40;80
2045 Brooklyn Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Kentucky, 1890, 50 Shares,
Issued Stock, Black on green border and underprint, Three miners in
mining vignette top right, VF condition, Dennison & Brown
Lithography. ...................................................................
EST. $50;80
2046 Randolph;Macon Coal Co., 1905 $1000 Issued Bond.
York, 1905, $1000, 5% 1st Mortgage Gold Bond, Issued and uncan:
celled, Black with orange:red border and underprint, Miners and
coal car on top, S/N 388, Coupons attached, XF condition,
ABNC. .............................................................................
EST. $35;50
2047 Goodman Gold and Silver Mining Co., 1877 Stock
Virginia City, Nevada, 1877, 1000 Shares, Issued and ink
cancelled, Miners on left and right with title in middle, Mines locat:
ed in Devil’s Gate Mining District, S/N 183, VF condition.
EST. $50;100
2048 Pomfret Club Issued Stock.
Connecticut, 1915, 5 Shares, Issued
Stock, Bust of man top left, VF condition. ......................
EST. $35;50
2049 Doctor Martin Homaeopathic Family Medicine Co., 1899
Stock Certificate.
Baltimore, Maryland, 1899, 1 Share, Issued and
uncancelled, Patriotic screaming eagle, S/N 5, Revenue stamp on
top left, XF condition. .....................................................
EST. $35;50
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 22, 2013
Archives International Auctions