Archives International Auctions Part XVI - page 122

804 Kingdom of Greece (Resumed) ; 1944 Issue
Greece, 10
Drachmai. P<322 Unlisted Proofs. 8 different progressive face and
back proofs of undertints in various colors. Uncirculated to CU.
Printed locally in Greece during the war.
EST. $250;500
805 Kingdom of Greece (Resumed) ; 1944 Issue
Greece, 20
Drachmai. P<323 Unlisted Proofs. 4 uncut vertical pairs and one cut
pair, 10 different progressive face and back proofs of undertints in
various colors. Uncirculated to gem uncirculated. Printed locally in
Greece during the war.
EST. $250;500
806 Kingdom of Greece (Resumed) ; 1945 Issue Uncut Vertical
Greece, 1945. Lot of 4 Uncut Pairs < 8 notes. 5 Drachmai. P<
321 Unlisted Proofs. 4 different progressive face and back proofs of
under tints in various colors. A Uncirculated to CU. Printed locally in
Greece during the war.
EST. $200;400
807 Kingdom of Greece, 1944; 1945 Issue Uncut Progress Proof
Blocks of 4.
Greece, 1944. Lot of 12 progress proofs in 3 blocks of
4, 1 Drachmai, P<320 Unlisted, AU to CU condition. Rare and attrac<
tive Inflation era progress proofs by Greek local printer. (12 notes
EST. $300;600
808 National Bank of Greece, 1922 Issue Specimen Note
specimen note, 25 Drachmai, 1922, P<71s2, graded PMG 40 XF with
staple holes. BWC.
EST. $250;500
809 National Bank of Greece, 1926 issue Back Color Trial Proof.
Greece, 1926, 500 Drachmai, P<89, Large Color Trial die proof of
back in purple and multi<color. Printed on bank note paper. Light
toning around the margins, rare ABN production proof.
EST. $200;400
810 National Bank of Greece, 1926 issue Back Color Trial Proof.
Greece, 1926, 500 Drachmai, P<89, Large Color Trial die proof of
back in blue without m/c underprint instead of listed purple. printed
on india paper and mounted on large card, toning around the mar<
gins far from note, rare ABN production proof. ABNC.
EST. $200;400
Archives International Auctions, Part XVI
October 22, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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