Anniversary Introduction
September 16, 2012
Dear Friends,
With this catalogue, we are creating a new auction platform to coincide with the marvelous opportunities con-
nected with celebrating the anniversaries of the leading companies of the world – and many others as well! This is the first
time that we know about for a celebration of this sort.
On October 20th, 2012, in the Gallery of the Museum of American Finance, this event will begin with the “Inau-
gural Anniversary Celebration of Leading Global Companies” and we are hoping this will be of increasing interest to the
wider community in the years ahead. The entire concept was inspired by a banner outside the very beautiful Tiffany store
on Wall Street which announced “Our 175th Anniversary.” This led to some other research, and we realized that we might
bring these splendid company accomplishments to the attention of a wider audience. They contain excellent educational
opportunities, as well as community recognition of major company work well done over many years. We have had enthu-
siastic support from several groups, and prior to the auction, there will be a breakfast event downtown to start the day in the
proper fashion.
There is a small basic cost to participate in the event, and then it is possible for the companies to place an object in
the auction, as you will see when you peruse this catalogue. Many of these are historic pieces with wonderful stories, and
new owners will be able to enjoy them in their own homes or offices. The proceeds from these transactions will underwrite
the celebration, which will be modest, and the excess will be distributed among local organizations teaching students about
entrepreneurship and the other skills which will help to create and enhance businesses so that they will one day celebrate
their own important anniversaries. These skills are essential to preserve the vibrant business environment for overall well-
being of populations everywhere.
We hope you will enjoy these very special offerings, and in future years, we hope you may return to enjoy other
celebrations, and, bring these ideas to your company management for their own use. And, if you have ideas which you
think we should be using, by all means let us know. We will look forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and working
with you.
In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy the auction and the celebration, and we look forward to meeting you on
October 20th.
and the Bourse Team