New Jersey
678 Standard Oil Co. 1949, Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1949,
$1000, 25 Year 2 3/4% Debenture, Specimen Bond, Coupons
attached, Vignette of oil well top center flanked by two sitting alle-
gorical men, VF-XF condition, POCs, ABNC. .................
Est. $120-240
679 Standard Oil Co., Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1936, $10000, 25
Year 3% Specimen Bond, Black on orange border and underprint,
Oil well vignette top center, POC’s and Red SPECIMEN overprints
and red s/n “00000 “, VF condition, ABNC. ...................
Est. $120-240
680 Banco Agricola Hipotecario (Agricultural Mortgage Bank),
Specimen Bond.
Columbia, 1926, $1000, Guaranteed 20 year 7%
Sinking Fund Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical format, Coupons
attached, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. .....................
Est. $120-240
New Jersey
681 Standard Oil Co., Specimen Stock,
New Jersey, Specimen
Stock, Odd Shares, Black print on green boarder and underprint, Oil
field flanked on both sides by allegorical men top center, POC’s, VF-
XF condition, ABNC. .....................................................
Est. $90-180
New York
682 Central Petroleum Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1866, 100
Shares, Issued Stock, Black ornate border, Oil well with barrels and
storage facility along with their offices top center, VF condition,
Hatch & Co. ...................................................................
Est. $140-280
683 New York Flowing Oil Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1864, I/U
Stock, 100 Shares, #127, Black print with ornate black border and oil
field vignette on top left and top right, Red “Capital, $500,000.
underprint center, VF condition, Sage Sons & Co. Lith.
Est. $250-500
684 North American Petroleum Co., Issued Stock.
New York,
1864, I/U Stock, 100 Shares, #222, Black print with ornate black bor-
der and oil field vignette bottom center and Native American
drinking water from river top center, VF condition, J.O. Seymour &
Co. ...............................................................................
Est. $200-400
685 United States Oil Testing and Pumping Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1866, I/U stock certificate. 800 Shares. Oil wells at shore-
line with oil barrels and small ship approaching dock on top, alle-
gorical “Liberty “ with flag on right and 25 ct USIR stamp on the
lower left. Appears in VF condition with one pin-hole Scarce and
attractive oil certificate. Major & Knapp. .......................
Est. $160-320
686 Amber Petroleum Co., Issued Stock.
Pennsylvania, 1865, I/U
Stock, #73, 250 Shares, Black print with ornate border, Dog pictured
top center and oil field left, VF-XF condition, Wm. Mann.
Est. $250-500
687 Alaska Petroleum Co., Issued Stock.
Alaska, 1898, Issued and
Uncancelled, 500 Shares, #232, Black on orange border and gold
underprint, Oil well vignette top left and gold seal bottom left, VF
condition. ......................................................................
Est. $250-500
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions