595 Trojan Mining Co. Issued Stock.
California, 1872, 100
Shares, Issued Stock, black on black border and underprint, Small
vignette of mining complex on middle left, VF-XF condition, E.
Bosqul & Co. .................................................................
Est. $120-240
596 Page, Baron & Co. San Francisco, Issued Bill of Exchange.
California, 1854, $1000, Issued Bill of Exchange, #2667, Black print
with vignette of bank building on left with steamships at sea top
center, Fine condition, Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co.
Est. $120-240
597 Dome Mines Ltd, Specimen Stock Lot of 2.
Canada, 1977,
Specimen Stock; 1)>100 Shares, Black on yellow border and under-
print, Mining vignette top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN stamp,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. 2)100 Shares, Black on blue border and
underprint, Mining vignette top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN
stamp, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ...................................
Est. $120-240
598 Amie Consolidated Mining Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1883,
I/U Stock, 100 Shares, #14321, Black on green border and under-
print, Allegorical women in the left and right borders with mining
vignette in center, VF condition, ABNC. .......................
Est. $95-180
599 Boulder Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Co. Issued
New York, 1882, 100 Shares, #2640, I/U stock certificate,
Black with miners flanked by Chrubbs vignette, XF condition,
Franklin BNC. ...............................................................
Est. $95-180
600 Colorado Central Consolidated Mining Co. Issues Stock.
York, 1888, 100 Shares, Issued Stock, black on green border and
underprint, Vignette top center of mine, VF-XF condition, Homer
Lee BNC. .......................................................................
Est. $120-240
601 Game Ridge Consolidated Mining Co., Issued Stock.
1882, I/U Stock, #59, 8000 Shares, Black print with ornate border,
Mining vignette center, VF-XF condition, NBNC. Mine is located at
Rosita, Colorado. ...........................................................
Est. $90-180
602 Gold and Silver Emerson Mining Co., Issued Stock.
1881, I/U Stock, #A127, 100 Shares, Mining vignette top center, VF-
XF condition. Location of mines is Clear Creek Co., Colorado.
Est. $125-250
603 Manitou Mineral Springs Bathing Co. Issued Stock.
1909, 25000 Shares, Issued Stock, Black ornate border with gold
seal bottom left and Bald Eagle vignette top left, VF condition.
Est $120-240
604 Moon Anchor Gold Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Delaware, 1908,
500 Shares, Issued Stock, Black on gold border and underprint,
Anchor harnessed to the moon top center, VF-XF condition, The
Gowdy- Simmons Co. ...................................................
Est. $200-400
605 Woman’s Gold Mining Co., Issued Stock.
Colorado, 1899, I/U
Stock, 2000 Shares, #748, Black print with ornate black border and
peach underprint, Gold seal bottom left and State Seal top center,
VF condition. .................................................................
Est. $120-240
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions