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389 Chinese Government, Issued Bond.
China, 1913, 20 Sterling, 5%
Reorganization Gold Loan of 1913, #657641, Black on green border
and underprint, Mercury top center sitting by generator with sea to
the right and fields to the left rice paddy on left border and temple
on right border, Large red stamp center bottom, VF condition,
Waterlow & Sons Ltd. Bond is also payable in Marks, Francs, Rubles
and Yen. .......................................................................
Est. $250-500
390 Imperial Chinese Government Issued Bond.
China, 1911, 100
Sterling, 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan, I/U bond,
#81606, Black on orange border and underprint, locomotive top
center, Coupons attached, Fine condition. ...................
Est. $120-240
391 Imperial Chinese Government Issued Bonds, Lot of 4.
1911, 20 Sterling, 5%Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan, I/U
bond, #’s 10165, 10164, 11876, 29944, Black on green border and
underprint, Moving locomotive top center l-r, Coupons attached,
Fine condition lot with some splitting and taping up of coupons
which are stapled to the bond. These bonds are countersigned by
Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. On two of the bonds there are
Blue TFEL-2 forms #965203 and 965202 with a portrait of Marshall.
Form was proof that holder of the bond was not an enemy of the
State. Accompanying these bonds is a map of “Chinese Railways “
financed with foreign bonds 1876-1938 in color and VF
condition. .....................................................................
Est. $150-250
392 Imperial Chinese Government Issued Bonds, Lot of 4.
1911, 100 and 20 Sterling, 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold
Loan, I/U bond, #’s 98481, 62070, 61487, 48452, Black on orange
border and underprint and green border and underprint for the 3 20
Sterling bonds, Moving locomotive top center l-r, Coupons
attached, Fine condition lot. These bonds are countersigned by
Banque de L’Indo-Chine in Paris. Blue TFEL-2 form #177462 with
portrait of Marshall attached to the 100 Sterling Bond. Form was
proof that holder of the bond was not an enemy of the State.
Accompanying bonds is a map of “Chinese Railways “ financed with
foreign bonds 1876-1938 in color and VF condition. ......
Est. $250-400
393 Imperial Chinese Government Railway, 1911 Bond Certificate
for $500 Yen.
China, Total issuing value 10 million Yen, by
“Yokohama Specie Bank “, on the year Hsuan T’ung 3rd year
February the 23rd (1911) Meiji 44th year, interest charged at 5%
payable twice per year. With Official personnel’s seal chops by Qing
Official of Department of Communication (Square Chop), Middle
right by Qing Government representing Agency, Certificate No.
000255, Facing dragons in black with red border and light green
underprint, back with English text, Red English Imprinted Revenue,
XF condition. .................................................................
Est. $150-250
394 Republic of China, 1919, $1000 I/U Bond.
China, 1919, $1000, I/U
bond, 6% 2 Year Secured Gold Loan Treasury Notes of 1919,
Coupons attached. Orange border and undertint. Pagoda on hillside
vignette on top, Bond is in English and payable in U.S.Legal Tender.
S/N 2690, XF condition. ABNC. ....................................
Est. $700-1200
395 Republic of China, 1937, $1000 I/U Bond.
China, 1937, $1000, I/U
bond with U.S. TFEL-2 “Bluebird “ Form with Marshall’s Portrait
attached certifies that the bond is held by a U.S. citiizen, Secured
Sinking Fund Bond of 1937, Pagoda, 1937. Coupons attached. Blue
border and undertint. Pagoda on hillside vignette on top and on
each coupon. Bond is in English and payable in U.S.Legal Tender.
S/N M3668, XF condition. ABNC. .................................
Est. $600-1000
396 Shanghai Municipal Council, 6% Loan of 1926.
China, 1927. 100 Taels Silver Sycee, I/U bond, Black on yellow under-
print, Municipal building in center, S/N D19667, VF condition with
small staple holes on top left corner. W&S. ...................
Est. $120-200
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions