274 Moody’s Investors Service, Specimen Stock.
New Jersey, ND,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, No vignette, POC’s, VF-XF condition.
Well known financial rating agency that evidently let us down in
2007-2008. ....................................................................
Est. $120-200
New Jersey
275 Home Land Co. Issued Stock.
New Jersey, 1869, 25 Shares,
Issued Stock, black on black border and underprint, Vignette top
center of estate in wooded area, VF-XF condition, Page, Snyder,
Black, & Sturn. .............................................................
Est. $140-280
New York
276 American Express Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1873, 20 Shares,
Issued Stock, Black print with orange underprint, Vignette of dog in
the middle with “Safety & Dispatch “ written below, VF condition,
ABNC. Fargo signature as president. ............................
Est. $250-400
277 American Express Company, Stock Certificate With Henry
Wells Signature as President
New York, NY, 3rd January, 1866. 1
Share, I/U stock certificate. Capital Stock 10,000 Shares at $500
each, Black border with no undertint, vignette of sad dog (Safety &
Dispatch) underneath curved title, Signatures of William Fargo,
Holland and Henry Wells as president. VF condition with light foxing
in middle and top and bottom margins. 5 cents U.S.I.R. adhesive
stamp on top right, S/N 2487. Scarce and historic stock certificate.
Printer: John H. Duyckinck. ..........................................
Est. $600-1200
278 American Express Company, Type II, Stock Certificate With
Wells, Fargo & Holland Signatures.
New York, NY, May 18th,
1859, 10 Shares, I/U stock certificate. Capital Stock 7,500 Shares at
$100 each, Black border with locomotive left to right underneath
curved title, Signatures of William Fargo, Holland and Henry Wells
as president. XF condition. S/N 3484, Rare early type and historic
stock certificate. Printer: John H. Duyckinck. ...............
Est. $1250-2500
279 American Express Company, Type VI, Stock Certificate With
William Fargo Signature as President
New York, NY, 1873. 5
Shares, Issued and punch cancelled stock certificate. Black
border with light orange undertint, vignette of sad dog (Safety &
Dispatch) underneath curved title, Signatures of William Fargo,
Holland and Flagg. XF condition. ABNC. Scarce and historic stock
certificate. .....................................................................
Est. $120-240
280 American Stock Exchange Unframed Membership Certificate.
New York, 1970’s, Membership certificate for Shearson Loeb
Rhoades Inc., to the American Stock Exchange, Sketch of the
American Stock Exchange building on Greenwich St. top portion of
certificate, VF condition. Facsimile signature of exchange chairman
bottom right. ................................................................
Est. $120-240
281 American Stock Exchange Unframed Membership Certificate.
New York, 1972-1976, Membership certificate for Martin J.
Weinberg to the American Stock Exchange, Sketch of the American
Stock Exchange building on Greenwich St. top portion of certificate,
VF condition. Facsimile signatures of the exchange president and
chairman bottom right. ................................................
Est. $120-240
282 Bank of New York Co., Inc., Specimen Stock.
New York, 1991,
$-Odd, Specimen Bond, Alexander Hamilton top center, VF-XF con-
dition, ABNC. ................................................................
Est. $95-150
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions