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217 Tucker Corp., Issued Stock.
Delaware, 1948, I/U Stock, 100
Shares, #61388, no vignette, VF-XF condition, SBNC. Facsimile sig-
nature of company president Preston Tucker. Company was caught
up in a stock trading scandal which led to its demise in the early
1950’s. ...........................................................................
Est. $100-200
218 Mercedes Co., 1904 Issued Shares.
England, 1904, I/U Stock
Warrant, #1524, 5 One Sterling Shares, #’s 5873-5877,
Coupons attached, Black print with red ornate border, Vignette of
driver and passenger racing in early Mercedes, VF condition with
some splitting at horizontal folds. Historic early Automobile certifi-
cate. .............................................................................
Est. $800-1600
219 Marmon Motor Car Co., Issued Stock.
Indiana, 1932, I/U Stock,
35 Shares, #020736, Black on brown border and underprint, Fine
condition, ABNC. ..........................................................
Est. $90-150
220 Dodge Brothers, Inc., Specimen Stock.
Maryland, ND
(ca.1920’s). Specimen stock certificate ..........................
Est. $350-700
221 Indian Motorcycle Co., Specimen Stock.
Massachusetts, 1947,
Specimen Stock, 100ths of a share, Black on blue border and under-
print, No vignette, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF-XF con-
dition, SBNC. I of 3 found in archives, all in different colors, so this
may possibly be unique. ................................................
Est. $150-250
222 Indian Motorcycle Co., Stock Certificate.
Springfield, MA. 1930,
50 Shares, I/C stock certificate. Blue border, Native American
“Indian “ portrait in middle top. XF condition with POC’s. Rare and
popular motorcycle stock certificate. ...........................
Est. $400-800
223 General Motors Corp. Bonus Certificate.
Delaware, 1921, Senior
Bonus Certificate given to employees “in recognition of exceptional
ability and devotion to the Corporation’s interests “, Black
ornate border on light brown paper, Photos of a 1 1/4 Ton Samson
and Buick Model 21-50 Sedan flanking a Dayton Wright Monoplane
top center, Fine condition with vertical splitting, ABNC. Small bank-
ing account book from the Bank of Detroit Boulevard Branch includ-
ed. ................................................................................
Est. $150-250
224 General Motors Corp., Model Proof.
Delaware, 1984, Model
Proof, Odd Shares, Black on green border and underprint, Vignette
of GM vehicles top center and EDS corporate logo center, VF condi-
tion, SC-USBNC. ...........................................................
Est. $200-400
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions