2135Central Bank of Cyprus, 1964-66 Issue Specimen.
Cyprus, 1966,
1 Pound, P-43as Specimen banknote, arms at right, Pin-punch
SPECIMEN overprint, S/N B/19 000000, Gem Uncirculated condi-
tion. BWC (without imprint). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $900-1600
2136 Central Bank of Cyprus, 1964-66 Issue Color Trial Specimen.
Cyprus, 1966, 5 Pounds, P-44as Unlisted Color Trial Specimen ban-
knote, arms at right, Purple on m/c instead of issued blue on m/c, No
Serial Numbers, 2 POC’s, “Specimen of No Value” on top left mar-
gin on front and back, Choice AU but there is evidence of previous
mounting on top margin with some toning of paper and very light
waviness, BWC (without imprint). Another rare Color Trial
Specimen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $700-1200
2137Central Bank of Cyprus, 1964-66 Issue Specimen.
Cyprus, 1966,
5 Pounds, P-44as Specimen banknote, arms at right, Pin-punch
SPECIMEN overprint, S/N B/4 000000, Another lovely Gem
Uncirculated note. BWC (without imprint). . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $1250-2000
2138 Central Bank of Cyprus, 1974 Issue Unique Approval
Specimen Set of 4 Notes.
Cyprus, Lot of 4 Approval Specimen
notes, all are June 1, 1974 dated notes. Includes 250 Mil, P-41bs
Specimen banknote; 500 Mil, P-42bs Specimen banknote; 1 Pound,
P-43bs Specimen banknote; 5 pound, P-44cs Specimen banknote;
the 250 Mils, 500 Mils and 5 pounds are Uncirculated to CU and the
1 Pound is in AU condition. All have different fractional prefixes for
S/N 000000, All have hand written on the top margin “Approved
(Cable 14-6-(19)74” in red and an earlier dated “As Submitted 17-5-
(19)74” in blue, - BWC (without imprint). Rare approval set of Cyprus
specimens . BWC (Without Imprint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $1600-25
2139 Central Bank of Cyprus, 1977-82 Issue Specimen.
Cyprus, ND
(ca.1972-85), 10 Pounds, P-48as Specimen banknote, arms at right,
SPECIMEN overprint, POC, No serial numbers, Choice to Gem
Uncirculated note. BWC (without imprint). . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $350-5
2140 Central Bank of Cyprus, 1983 Issue Specimen.
Cyprus, 1983,
50 Sent, P-49s Specimen banknote, Brown on m/c, woman seated
on right, POC’s, SPECIMEN overprint, S/N C 000000, Another love-
ly Choice Uncirculated note. BWC (without imprint). .
Est. $250-5
2141 Bank of Danzig, 1932 Issue Specimen Banknote.
1932. 20 Gulden, P-60s (CM#G51a-b), Specimen banknote, Lilac-
brown on m/c, Stockturm in middle with arms at left, back with
Neptune, S/N C/B 000,000, Muster overprints a nd Pin-punch
Specimen at bottom signature blocks, PMG graded Superb Gem
Uncirculated 67 EPQ, the highest and only one graded for this rare
Specimen issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Est. $2000-30
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions