1744 Miscellaneous Sports Memorabilia, Lot of 4 Including Tebow
Rookie Card.
1).2011, Tim Tebow Rookie card by Panini, XF condi-
tion. 2). Wade, James & Bosh photo matted with ‘Miami Heat Big
Three-Wade, James & Bosh 2011-2012 NBA Eastern Conference
Champions’, XF condition. 3). 1964, 6 1/2 X 6 1/2 Auravision 33 1/2
RPM record promotion by Yoo Hoo, Picture of Koufax getting ready
to pitch on the front with stats on the back, VF-XF condition with
center hole intact. 4). ND (1920’s), Jimmy Walker & Charlie Chaplin
in the Azores Cigarette cards, Fine condition with wear around the
edges. ..........................................................................
Est. $90-150
1745 Muhammad Ali Autographed Mat.
Autographed Muhammad
Ali photo matted with his name and ‘3-Time Heavyweight
Champion’, XF condition. Autographed Legends certificate of
authenticity reg#A224212 is also included. ..................
Est. $150-300
1746 Reggie Jackson Autographed Mat.
Autographed Reggie
Jackson photo matted, XF condition. Autographed Legends certifi-
cate of authenticity reg#A224032 included. ..................
Est. $50-100
1747 Ted Williams Autographed Mat.
Autographed Ted Williams
photo matted, XF condition. Autographed Legends certificate of
authenticity reg#A223728 included. .............................
Est. $200-400
1748 Williams-Mantle Autographed Mat.
Autographed Ted Williams
and Mickey Mantle photo matted, XF condition. Autographs certi-
fied by Christopher Morales Forensic Handwriting Examinations
certificate #A236185. ...................................................
Est. $200-400
1749 Willie Mays Autographed Mini Bat.
Willie Mays Autographed
Rawlings Official League Ball, XF condition. Autographed Legends
certificate of authenticity reg#A224201 included...........
Est. $50-100
1000 German-American Fire Insurance Co. Issued Bonds Lot of
Maryland, 1900, I/C, Shares, Allegorical women holding
shields top center flanking a small framed monument, Fine condi-
tion lot, A. Hoen & Co. Lith. ...........................................
Est. $400-800
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions