Autographs - Artist
100 George Cruikshank Autographed Letter and Original Cartoon.
London, 1867, George Cruikshank autograph on letter with an orig-
inal cartoon hand drawn by him above, Pieces are matted and
framed. Cruikshank (1792-1878) was a British caricaturist who, when
in his 30’s, started doing illustrations for books gained international
recognition. Dickens, being a friend of Cruikshank’s had some of his
novels illustrations done by him. He gained notoriety for political
satire and had been bribed by the royal family to not caricaturize
them in an immoral fashion. Although being against some of the
immoral aspects of society later in life like drinking and smoking he
fathered 11 illegitimate children with his servant. .........
Est. $400-800
Autographs - Arts &
101 Enrico Caruso Autograph with Sepia Toned Photo.
Paris, 1910,
Autograph on 5 “ X 7 “ sheet, with “Paris, 1910 “ below signature,
Sepia-toned photo of Caruso sitting in chair. Ensemble is matted
and framed. Caruso (1873-1921) an Italian tenor Caruso made
approximately 290 commercially released recordings from 1902 to
1920 of which his 1904 recording of “Vesti la giubba “ from
Leoncavallo’s opera Pagliacci was the first sound recording to sell a
million copies. He was also heard live from the stage of the
Metropolitan Opera in what was the first live public radio broadcast
transmitted in U.S. .......................................................
Est. $250-500
102 Emmett Kelly as “Weary Willie “ Autographed Photo.
Emmett Kelly signed photo of himself as “Weary Willie “ the hobo
clown, “I’d like to procrastinate… but I keep putting it off! “ in type
above photo, VF condition. ..........................................
Est. $100-200
New York
103 Gloria Davey (Swanson) Signed Silver Creek Precision Corp.
Stock Certificate.
New York, 1964, 100 Shares, Issued Stock,
Black on orange border and underprint, Certificate made out to
Gloria Davey which was Gloria Swanson’s married named and
signed by her on verso, VF condition, Security-Columbian BNC,
R.M. Smythe. ................................................................
Est. $75-150
104 Ruth Etting Autographed Note with Photos From 1934.
Short note in Ruth Etting’s hand on 5 by 3 inch beige paper with text
“ In fond memory and sincere admiration of Rudolph Valentino - a
splendid actor and a fine man, Sincerely, Ruth Etting dated 1934. XF
condition, also includes of photo of Etting as well as a Magazine
cover with her image slightly risqué. XF condition. Etting was in the
Ziegfeld Follies in 1927 to 1931 and stared with Eddie Cantor as well
as Keenan Wynn. She was known as America’s sweetheart had a
musical career as a singer and recording artist until 1937.
Est. $70-100
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions
Autographs, Historic Documents & Emphemera
Saturday October 20, 2012, 10 AM et