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1596 Kimberly Telephone Co., Issued Stock.
Idaho, 1911, I/U, #32, 1
Share, Black print with black border and gold underprint, Gold seal
bottom left, Vignette of early telephone top left, VF
condition. ......................................................................
Est. $65-130
1597 Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., Specimen Bond.
Kentucky, 1912. $1000 5% General Mortgage Gold Bond. Brown
border and undertint. Cherub in middle flanked by allegorical; man
and woman. POC. Coupons attached. XF condition. ABNC.
Est. $75-150
1598 Mesaba Telephone Co. Issued Stock.
Minnesota, 1906, 15
Shares I/C, , #23, Black print with black ornate border and gold seal
and underprint, Vignette top center of early telephone models,
Cancelled in red handwriting, VF condition. .................
Est. $60-120
1599 North Western Telephone Exchange Co., Issued Stock.
Minnesota, 1883, I/U, 2 Shares, #19, Black print with black ornate
border and gold seal bottom left, VF condition. ...........
Est. $120-240
1600 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., Specimen Bonds Lot of 2.
Lot of 2 specimen certificates. 1). 1920. $100 7% Gold note.
Horizontal format; 2.) 1924. $1000 1st Mortgage 5% Gold Bond.
Green border. Vertical bond. POC’s. Coupons attached. XF
Condition. ABNC. Southwestern Bell Telephone is a wholly owned
subsidiary of AT&T. ......................................................
Est. $150-300
New Jersey
1601 American Electric Telephone Specimen Bond.
New Jersey,
1900, $500, 6% Debenture Gold Bond, Specimen Bond, VF-XF con-
dition, ABNC. ................................................................
Est. $75-150
1602 Consolidated Telephone Co., Issued Stock.
Newark, NJ, 1885,
Issued and uncancelled stock certificate. 800 Shares. Bald eagle
holding underwater telephone wires in its claws. Green border. VF
condition to XF condition. Kendall BNC. .......................
Est. $110-220
New York
1603 American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Specimen Bond.
New York, 1930, $1000, 35 Year 5% Gold Specimen Bond, Black
print with black border and underprint, POC’s red SPECIMEN over-
prints, ABNC. ...............................................................
Est. $100-180
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions