1528 Norfolk and Western Railway Co. Specimen Bond.
1904, $1000, 4% Divisional 1st Lien and General Mortgage Gold
Specimen Bond, Black on purple border and underprint, POC’s, VF
condition, ABNC. .........................................................
Est. $90-180
1529 Southern Railway Co. Specimen Bond.
Virginia, 1894, $1000,
5% 1st Consolidated Mortgage Gold Specimen Bond, Coupons
attached, Black on orange border and underprint, Three allegorical
women top center, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC. Gold Clause Blue
overprint stating that bond is longer convertible into gold.
Est. $90-150
1530 Southern Railway Co., Specimen Stock.
Virginia, 1973,
Specimen Stock, 100 Shares, Black on purple border and underprint,
Railway crossing sign that reads Look South Look Ahead flanked by
sitting allegorical men one in front of steel mill the other in front of
moving diesel locomotive, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.
Est. $80-160
1531Virginia Midland Railway Co., Specimen Bond.
Virginia, 1881,
$500, 6% Mortgage Specimen Bond, Moving locomotive with tele-
graph lines, POC’s,Fine condition with toning and splitting
, ABNC. ........................................................................
Est. $110-220
1532Grays Harbor & Columbia River Railway Co., Low Serial
Number Issued Stock.
Washington, 1906, 1 Share, Issued Stock,
#5, Black on orange border and underprint, Bison vignette top cen-
ter, VF-XF condition. ....................................................
Est. $80-160
1533Tacoma Eastern Railroad Co., Issued Stock.
Washington, 1908,
I/C, 1 Share, #63, Black print with ornate black border green under-
print and moving locomotive head-on top center, Cancelled in black
ink, VF condition. Listed railroad and stock in Cox. ......
Est. $85-100
1534 Northern Pacific Railway Co., Specimen Bond.
1921, $1000, 6% Series B Refunding and Improvement Mortgage
Specimen Bond, Horizontal format, Black on green border and
underprint, POC’s, VF condition with minor folds and discoloration,
ABNC. Railroad listed, bond in unlisted format in Cox. .
Est. $150-300
1535Allegheny and Western Railway Co., Specimen Stock.
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black print on blue border and under-
print, Moving locomotive top center, Black SPECIMEN overprints
and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad unlisted stock in
Cox. ..............................................................................
Est. $50-100
1536 Chicago and Rock Island Rail Road Co., Issued Bond.
$80, I/C, Interest Free Bond Convertible to Shares, Horizontal for-
mat, Black print with vignette of locomotive moving l-r top center,
VF condition with pink ink cancellation, L.H. Biglow & Co.
Est. $75-150
1537Clearfield and Mahoning Railway Co., Specimen Stock.
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border and under-
print, Locomotive top center leaving station, Black SPECIMEN over-
prints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ...................
Est. $25-50
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions