1510 Scranton, Montrose and Binghamton Railroad Co., Issued
Pennsylvania, 1919, $100, #C1486, 1st Mortgage Sinking
Fund Gold Issued Bond, Vertical format, Coupons Attached, VF-XF
condition, Scranton Litho. Listed railroad and bond in Cox.
Est. $45-90
1511Southern Pennsylvania Iron and Rail Road Co., Issued Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1870, $1000, 7% 2nd Mortgage Gold Bond, #4, Issued
and Uncancelled, Horizontal format, 19 coupons attached, Black
print with black ornate border, VF condition, Moss & Co. Railroad
and bond listed in Cox. .................................................
Est. $120-240
1512Western Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Issued Stock.
Pennsylvania, 1864, I/U, #132, 99 Shares, Black print with ornate
border and state seal top center, VF condition, T. Sinclair’s
Lith. .............................................................................
Est. $85-170
Pennsylvania and New Jersey
1513Lehigh and New England Railroad Co., 1914, Specimen Bond.
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1914, $1000, 5% General Mortgage
Gold Specimen Bond Series B, Coupons attached, Railway trestle
top center, POC’s and red s/n 00000 , VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $90-180
South Carolina
1514 Raleigh and Charleston Railroad Co, 1906 Issued Bond.
Carolina, 1906, $200, 1st Mortgage Prior Lein 4% Gold Bond, Issued
and uncancelled, Black on green border and underprint, locomotive
leaving terminal R-L, S/N 36, Coupons attached, XF condition,
scarce bond. ABNC. ......................................................
Est. $100-200
1515Raleigh and Charleston Railroad Co, 1906 Issued Bond.
Carolina, 1906, $200, Consolidated Mortgage 4% Gold Bond, Issued
and uncancelled, Black on brown border and underprint, locomotive
leaving terminal R-L, S/N 14, Coupons attached, XF condition,
scarce bond. ABNC. ......................................................
Est. $100-200
South Dakota
1516 Rapid City, Black Hills & Western Railroad Co., Specimen
South Dakota, 1909, $500, 1st Mortgage 5% 30 Year Gold
Issued and Uncancelled Bond, #934, Vertical format, Coupons
attached, Black print on green border and underprint, Moving loco-
motive top center, VF condition, Globe Lithe Co. Listed railroad and
bond in Cox. ..................................................................
Est. $150-300
Tennessee & Mississippi
1517Memphis, Selma and Brunswick Railroad Co., Specimen
Tennessee and Mississippi, $1000, 6% 1stMortgage
Specimen Bond, VF condition, ABNC. ..........................
Est. $120-240
1518 Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co., Issued Stock.
and Colorado, 1902, I/C, 10 Shares, #R2338, ships at wharf, Fine
condition, ABNC. ..........................................................
Est. $75-150
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions