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New York
1402 Central-Hudson Steamboat Co., Issued Bond.
New York,
1899, $1000, First Mortgage 5% Gold Bond, Black on green border
and underprint, Woman sitting top left with ship in background,
Fine condition, Steelograph Benj. B. Senia & Co. Scarce Hudson
River navigation certificate. ..........................................
Est. $85-150
1403 Gaston, Williams & Wigmore, Inc. Issued Stock.
New York,
1921, 100 Shares, Issued Stock, Black on green border and under-
print, Ship at dock with moving locomotive beside it, VF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $75-150
1404 Pacific Development Corp. Issued Stock.
New York, 1919, 30
Shares, Issued Stock, Black on violet border and underprint, Ships in
rough seas top center, VF condition, ABNC. .................
Est. $65-130
1405 Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1924, 50
Shares Issued and Uncancelled, S/N E6389, Black print on olive bor-
der and underprint, Steamship in rough waters top center, VF con-
dition, ABNC. ................................................................
Est. $120-240
1406 Harris County Houston Ship Channel Navigation District,
Specimen Bond.
Texas, 1948, $1000, 2.8% Navigation
Improvement Specimen Bond, Black on red border and underprint,
State seal with lake and ships behind it, Red SPECIMEN overprint
and POC’s, VF condition, SBNC. ....................................
Est. $75-150
Scripophily - Oil & Gas
1407 Alaska North Slope Royalty Participation Certificate,
Specimen Bond.
Alaska, 1975. Unspecified amount of units.
Bermuda Incorporated, Black on blue border and underprint,
SCBNC. Scarce Alaska oil certificate. ...........................
Est. $120-240
1408 California Oil and Gas Co. Issued Stock.
Arizona, 1903, 100
Shares, Issued Stock, black on black border and underprint, Men top
center filling oil barrels by oil well and oil freight car, VF-XF condi-
tion. .............................................................................
Est. $60-120
1409 Diana Oil Company, 1900 Issued Stock Certificate.
California, 1900, 25 Shares, S/N 6, Issued and uncancelled, No
vignette, Stamp on top left, VF condition. ....................
Est. $40-70
1410 Mexican Petroleum Co. Ltd., Specimen Bond.
Delaware, 1911,
Series C 10 Year 6% Convertible 1st Lien and Refunding Sinking
Fund Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical format and coupons attached,
Black on olive border and underprint, Oil storage facility with ocean
in the distance, Red SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n 00000
, VF condition, ABNC. ...................................................
Est. $80-160
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions