1384 International Banknote Co., Specimen Stock.
New York, ND,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on blue border and underprint,
Allegorical woman looking at globe top center, POC’s, VF-XF condi-
tion, ABNC. ..................................................................
Est. $65-130
1385 L.C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc., Specimen Bond.
York, 1940, $1000, 10 Year Serial Debenture Specimen Bond,
Vertical format, Coupons attached, Black on blue border and under-
print, Sitting allegorical woman top center, Red SPECIMEN over-
prints POC’s and red s/n M0000 , VF condition with some wear
around the edges, SBNC. ..............................................
Est. $90-140
1386 Lionel Corp., Issued Stock Lot of 3.
New York, 1955, Issued and
Pin-Punch Cancelled Stock, 100 Shares-100 Shares in orange- 100
Shares in green, Vignette of boy playinng with locomotives top cen-
ter, VF condition, SBNC. ..............................................
Est. $50-100
1387 Remington Typewriter Co., Specimen Stock.
New York, 19xx,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on purple border and under-
print, No vignette, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condi-
tion, ABNC. ..................................................................
Est. $65-130
1388 Wells Fargo & Co., 1858, Shipping Receipt.
New York, 1858,
Original and duplicate shipping receipt, Blue print with paddle-
wheel steamship top left on receipts, Red Original and Duplicate
centered on both receipts, Fine condition. ....................
Est. $250-500
1389 Chestnut Hill Agricultural Society, Issued Stock.
Pennsylvania, 1857, Issued and Uncancelled, 1 Share, #317, Black
print with ornate black border, Fine condition, Wm. M.
Christy. .........................................................................
Est. $50-100
1390 Falmouth Turnpike Road Co., Issued Stock.
1811, I/U, 1 Share, #56, Black ornate border with no vignette, VG
condition with vertical tape repair on right side, W. Hamilton
Printers. ........................................................................
Est. $80-160
1391 Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine Co., Unissued Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1859, Unissued Stock, Odd Shares, Black print with
ornate border, Water hose top left and dog sitting in front of build-
ing top right with allegorical lady looking out to sea in center, VF
condition. ......................................................................
Est. $40-80
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions