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Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIII


June 28, 2016

Archives International Auctions


940 National Bank of Scotland. 1959 Issue.

Scotland. 5 Pounds. P-266.

Forth railway bridge on back. 16.9.1959. Extremely Fine, light vertical

center fold. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.



941 Various Bank Issues. 1947-80.

Scotland. All 1 Pound notes: British

Linen Bank. 6.5.1947; 16.9.1947; 29.2.1968 (leap year day); Bank of

Scotland. 4.11.1980; Clydesdale &North of Scotland Bank Ltd. 1.11.1950;

Commercial Bank of Scotland 2.1.1947; National Commercial Bank of

Scotland. 1.11.1962; National Bank of Scotland. 1.6.1950. Mostly Very

Fine. 8 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.




942 Serbian National Bank, 1941-1942 Issues, Trio of Notes

Serbia, lot

includes 1000 Dinara on 500 Dinara, P-24; 500 Dinara, P-31; and 1000

Dinara, P-32. All UNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.




943 Government of Seychelles, 1960 Issue.

Seychelles, 1st August, 1960,

5 Rupees, P-11b, Issued banknote, S/N A/7 54130, Uniface, Queen

Elizabeth at right, light purple on white paper. PMG graded Gem

Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Rarely seen this nice. Attractive note. TDLR.

(Silicon Valley Collection)�������������������������������������������������������������Est.



944 Government of Seychelles. 1968 Issue.

Seychelles. 5 Rupees. P-14a.

Elizabeth II at right end, parrot at left. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated

66 EPQ.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.



945 Government of Seychelles. 1968 Issue.

Seychelles. 10 Rupees. P-15a.

Elizabeth II at right end, sea tortoise at left. “SCUM” discernible in sea

life by rear flipper. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ.�������Est.



946 Seychelles Monetary Authority. 1979-80 ND Issue. Specimens.

Seychelles. 10, 25, 50, 100 Rupees. P-23s; 24s; 25s; 27s. Native wildlife

on front, scenes on back. A000000 number on first three, B000000 on

the 100. Red overprint SPECIMEN on both sides, POCs in signature and

matching 092 on top left back corner. All Choice Uncirculated. 4 pieces.




947 Central Bank of the Seychelles. 1989 ND Issue. Specimens.

Seychelles. 10, 25, 50, 100 Rupees. P-32s; 33s; 34s; 35s. Unlisted as

Specimens. Bank building at center. A000000 number on all. Red

overprint SPECIMEN on both sides, matching 0314 at margin in lower

right corner. All Choice Uncirculated. 4 pieces. ���������������������������Est.
